Ashaway, Rhode Island Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to move to Ashaway City, you should know how many people live in this city. The population of Ashaway City is primarily young and single. The median age of its population is 41 years old. Usually, there are 3.3 people per family. There are two working parents and two kids, too. The state ranks Ashaway City 20th in diversity. The median income is $34,436.

The cost of living is another significant consideration. Ashaway City has a lower cost of living than the national average, as well as most other cities in the state. While some areas are more expensive than others on a state and federal level, overall costs of utilities, groceries, and transportation are lower. Health care costs are generally lower as well. Ashaway City has many reasons why its population is decreasing, and one of them is the low birth rate.

The population of Ashaway, RI is 655 people. The median income is $104,337. The median income is $23,367 for males and $33,486 for females. Ashaway is home to a few well-known schools. The city has a low crime rate. It is also home to several businesses, including the Ashaway Fire Department. If you want to know how many people live in Ashaway, RI, you should know how many of them are in each industry.

The median property value in Ashaway, RI is $232,000, which is slightly lower than the national average of $241,800. The city's homeownership rate is 92.2%, higher than the national average of 63.2%. Most residents of Ashaway, RI live alone, and commute to work by car. The median household owns three vehicles. And 1.51% of Ashaway residents are non-Hispanic.