Zieglerville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to relocate to Zieglerville City, PA, here are some facts to consider. Zieglerville has a total population of 270 people. Approximately half of its residents are male and half are female. Males make up the majority of the population, with a median age of 35.3 and the average household income of $91,082 - just below the national average. There are approximately 46.3 percent white residents and only 0.5% African American and Hispanic individuals. The area has an 83% high school graduation rate, compared to a 36% dropout rate.

The majority racial population in Zieglerville is shown on a color-coded map. The darker shades of red mean a greater racial diversity. Zieglerville's diversity map shows green areas and red areas. Diversity is defined as a mix of races living close to one another. All-white areas would be considered lacking in diversity. The map below shows the percentages of each race.

In addition to the racial makeup, ZIP code 19492 also includes information about the number of senior citizens and middle-aged people living in the area. This is very low compared to other areas of the country, as the number of people with children is extremely small. Also, the number of vacant properties is quite low, and there are probably one or two nursing homes nearby. Therefore, if you are planning to relocate to Zieglerville, PA, you should check the population & steets of the surrounding cities.