Wormleysburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about the city of Wormleysburg, Pennsylvania? Take a look at the Population & Steets in Wormleysburg, PA. You'll find out that the city is home to 3062 people, 48% males, and 52% females. The median age is 32. Wormleysburg is comprised of 51% families, with 34% single-female families and 43% couple households. The average family size is 2.66 people.

The percentage of native and foreign-born residents in Wormleysburg, PA is high. The highest proportion of residents are under twenty years of age, followed by those between thirty and 49. The highest proportion of foreign-born residents lives in the West Fairview CDP. This means that there are many people of Middle Eastern descent in Wormleysburg. Those who emigrated to the United States are likely to have a good opportunity for employment in the city.

Another way to look at the population is by looking at the breakdown of the head of household. Wormleysburg has four-fifths of families and is second smallest in the metropolitan area. The highest percentage of married couples lives in Lemoyne, with an 85% husband-wife family composition. Listed below are the breakdown of households by head of household. If you're interested in a particular neighborhood or a certain type of property, you'll want to see the Population & Steets in Wormleysburg City to see how many people live there.

Income inequality in Wormleysburg, PA is low. Compared to other states, Wormleysburg, PA residents are less likely to own their own homes. And they're less likely to have higher levels of debt than people in neighboring towns. And while the income gap is still fairly large, the overall percentage of residents below the poverty line is smaller than the national average. In Wormleysburg, PA, the median household income is slightly higher than the median of surrounding geographies.