Woodward, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How much do you know about the Population & Steets in Woodard City? It might surprise you to know that there's so much information available on the Internet about this city. It's not just a place for business professionals. There's also plenty of community information, including information on local businesses, the history of the area, and other statistics. You can learn about this city by taking a look at its census block data.

This small, yet busy, town has a colorful history. Woodward was established in 1887 at the intersection of the Southern Kansas Railway and Fort Reno Military Road. Soon, the town's population grew as settlers began to move in. Cowponies were no longer tied to hitching posts on Main Street, but instead were being replaced by farmers' wagons filled with market crops. By 1914, corn, cotton, and broomcorn were the primary cash crops in the town. In the following years, the city was the county seat for Woodward County. Woodward also became known as one of the woolliest towns in the Cherokee Outlet, with more than twenty saloons and brothels in its red-dirt streets.

Woodward, OK has a low poverty rate and is home to an estimated 12,591 residents. The median household income in Woodward is $55,131. While poverty rates are high in this area, it is still significantly lower than the national poverty rate of 6.2%. The population of Woodward is also considered to be relatively stable, with no evictions recorded in 2016.