Witmer, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Witmer City is 20,933 people, with 31.5% of the population being under the age of 18 years. Thirty-four percent of the population was 25-44 years old. Thirteen percent were 45-64 year olds, and ten percent were over the age of 65. The median age of the city is thirty years. In terms of gender, the male population outnumbered the female population ninety-four to one. In addition, there were nineteen and twenty-four-year-olds living alone.

Recreational activities are available in Witmer Park, including ice skating, cross-country skiing, and snow shoeing. In addition, a winter carnival event is held each year to advertise the city as a park for four seasons. While the city's lighting is not dark sky-compliant, it does provide a safe place for all ages. The park's security lighting addresses concerns about nighttime safety, and the history of Witmer is also explained in the area.

Public spaces in Witmer City should be more accessible to all residents. There should be bike parking in every building. Additionally, Witmer Park should be more family-friendly. Pedestrians and bicyclists should be able to exercise without feeling unsafe in the city. Moreover, recreational biking should be a recognized mode of transportation. If not, Witmer Park could be the perfect spot for cycling, skating, or other physical activities.