Wilmot Township, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the city's past, check out the Population & Steets in Wilmut Township City. The numbers are from the Fiftyth Annual Report of the Waterloo Historical Society. The township was founded in 1825, and its name comes from the German Block that the Canada Land Company purchased. The township's population is estimated, but the numbers have been adjusted for underenumeration.

The population of Wilmot Township is 4,557 residents. This is a relatively small township, and it's bordered by Albany and Terry Townships on the east and north, as well as Otsego County to the south. A small part of Wolverine is located in the northeastern portion of the township. Interstate 75 passes through the township, but there is no direct access.

Besides the population, Wilmot is a cultural icon in Cheboygan County. The Wilmot Recreation Complex features an Activities Room that can accommodate up to 15 people. The township also has a favorable student-teacher ratio, and the township has a strong sense of community. The township's school system also features two community centers - the Wilmot Recreation Complex and the Wilmot Township Public School.

The population of Wilmot Township City was last updated in 2016. As of the 2010 census, the township's population is estimated at 304 people. It is part of the Canton-Massillon Metropolitan Statistical Area. The township's population also includes Winesburg, an unincorporated community 4 1/2 miles southwest of Wilmot. The population of Winesburg is a bit more than 4,000 people.