Widnoon, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more detailed information about the area around Widnoon City, Pennsylvania, see the following table. Widnoon is located in Armstrong County. The city is governed by the Widnoon ZIP Code. The city is also known by its default name: Widnoon. To find your address in Widnoon, use the 5-digit Widnoon ZIP Code. You can also use the detailed 9-digit Widnoon ZIP Code.

To determine the number of street children in Widnoon City, the researchers used the median and interquartile range of local key informants to calculate the number of children living on the streets. To do this, they interviewed key informants at each venue. Key informants were asked to report their best estimate, minimum and maximum numbers of street children. The mean responses were then calculated, and the corresponding figures were then extrapolated to other cities.