White Oak, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in White Acre City is the answer to a common question. If you're considering moving to this area, you might be curious about what White Oak City has to offer. After all, this small town is located near the U.S. border and is surrounded by wooded areas. If you're interested in the history of White Oak, Texas, here's what you need to know.

The population of White Oak, Texas, is 5,136 people. It's located on the main highway between Longview and Gladewater, about two miles from the larger city of Longview. Although there's no town center, there are no major businesses, and the town has little to attract visitors. Nevertheless, there is a nice school in the city, and there are fast food outlets for the kids.

When it comes to population and steets in White Oak City, you should look for cities close to it. These cities may provide information that's helpful when you're planning your vacation. For example, you may want to know how many people live in the area's biggest cities, or what the median age is of the population of the city. You can also find out more about how old people in White Oak are based on the city's demographics.

The White Oak ZIP code is 75693. The city is located in the Tyler-Longview metropolitan area, and is primarily known by the USPS as White Oak. However, the city also has several ZIP+4 codes, and some of them have alternative names. If your mailings require an alternate name, you may choose an alternate name for your address. This option, however, will not be accepted by the USPS.