White Haven, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're a new resident to White Haven City, you might want to learn the population and steets numbers. You can view demographics and household income information for the city below. This information is based on the newest available data from the 2020 American Community Survey. You can find this data for White Haven by zip code or neighborhood. You can also find out the median household income for White Haven.

The average annual salary for residents of White Haven is $63,500. The median house value is $69,690. This area is relatively safe, as crime rates are higher than in the rest of the Memphis area. The median rent is $734. The median home price is $69,690. In White Haven, you can expect crime rates to be slightly higher than the Memphis area's, but you shouldn't worry too much. The city is a great place to raise a family, and you can enjoy a variety of activities and attractions.

While the population of White Haven City is predominantly white, there are also some neighborhoods that are predominantly black or Hispanic. As a result, local residents of these communities are often disproportionately affected by air pollution. White people consume significantly more gasoline and gas than black or Hispanic residents. These drivers create more air pollution in these neighborhoods. In Mott Haven, for instance, 97% of the residents are black or Hispanic.