West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

West Mifflin, PA is located in the state of Pennsylvania. The Borough of West Mifflin is an active incorporated place, serving as the county equivalent. It has a Functional Status Code of "A", which indicates it is an active government with primary general-purpose functions. The area of this city is classified into several categories, including Group Quarters, which includes college residents halls and nursing facilities, and Correctional Facilities, which includes correctional facilities.

The population of West Mifflin City is made up of a mixture of white and non-Hispanic residents. Hispanic and Latino residents make up 2.1% of the population. This is lower than the percentage in some other places in the region. The ratio of males to females is 2.7%.

The largest percentage of the city's population was born in Europe, while the percentage of residents born in Asia and Oceania was the least. The city has a population that is about one eighth the size of the state of Pennsylvania. It is also home to seven percent of foreign born residents.

The median age of people living in West Mifflin is 44.9 years old. In comparison, the median age of people living in Munhall is 49.4. A high percentage of women live in West Mifflin and are married. The percentage of veterans in West Mifflin City is 8.8%.