West Hazleton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of West Hazleton, Pennsylvania is just over 5,000. The population is composed of young adults aged 15-24. There is an average age of just over 36. The percentage of renters in this community is slightly above average, at 54% to 46%. The median rent in West Hazleton is $861 per month, slightly below the state average. There are several reasons why the population of West Hazleton, Pennsylvania is disproportionately young.

In 2007, West Hazleton had a population of 3,326. Residents live in one neighborhood and commute to work by car. This area is relatively small compared to other Pennsylvania cities, and has a much shorter commute time than its surrounding communities. The city also has its own business district, starting as a trickle from downtown Hazleton, and opening up along Susquehanna Blvd. There are 0% non-English-speaking households in West Hazleton, PA.

The population of Hazleton has been dominated by European immigrants for decades, but in recent years has undergone a demographic transformation. The city's minority population has been disproportionately affected by the rise of Dominicans and other Hispanic immigrants. Many Dominicans, including second and third-generation citizens from New York, have signed over custody of their children to family members in Hazleton in order to receive better public schools. This demographic shift is unusual in U.S. cities and has led to challenges for the city.

The demographics of West Hazleton are available on the U.S. Census Bureau's website. You can find the percentage of people who use public transportation in the city. Alternatively, you can find out if people commute by taxi cab or car. Using this resource, you can learn more about the diversity of West Hazleton by viewing this interactive map. You can also learn more about the average commute time and the racial diversity in West Hazleton.