Wellsboro, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania is approximately 24,000 residents. It is one-fifth the size of Pennsylvania and the second-smallest city in the metro area. The city has a low percent of people from Europe and the highest percent of people from Asia. For a more accurate view of the community, see our detailed Wellsboro City demographics. Read on to find out what makes Wellsboro, PA so unique.

The rent burden is the proportion of household income spent on rental housing. This measure is useful for evaluating whether a city's housing inventory is affordable for its residents. Wellsboro's rent burden is lower than the state's average of 30.3%, but neighboring cities have a lower rent burden, such as Canton, and Andover. The percentage of renters in Wellsboro is 42.0%, which is lower than the national average of 64%.

The population of Wellsboro is 71 people per square mile, which is much lower than many other towns and cities in the region. Elkland, for example, has a slightly higher density, and Mansfield has a density of 1,599 people per square mile. If you are looking for a home or want to buy a house in the area, consider living in one of these cities instead of in Wellsboro.

The median annual income in Wellsboro, PA is $46,875. This is lower than the national median of $65,712 per person. The median household income in Wellsboro, PA was $51,060 in 2018. This represents a decline of 40 people over the past year. Further, the median household income in Wellsboro, PA is lower than the average for neighboring towns and states.