Weatherly, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Weatherly City? Do you want to move there? You can use our Weatherly, PA population and steets data to do just that. The city is home to approximately 2,700 residents. Of these, 1,768 live in households that own cars. An additional 18 commute by bus or trolley. Approximately 13 commute by foot. The following information is provided by the US Census Bureau.

In 1879, the first newspaper was published in Weatherly. It was called "Lilliput" and was published by Michael Kelley, who owned an office at 18 Carbon Street. In 1881, he purchased the furniture business of Harry L. Beck and moved it to 47 Carbon Street. A few years later, in August 1885, Warner bought a lot at the corner of First Street and erected a building there. He moved his business here on October 8 and 9, 1888.

People in Weatherly, PA are of many different ancestries. The majority of Weatherly, PA residents identify as White or Black, but important ancestries include Italian, Dutch, and German. The most common language spoken in the city is English, but other important languages include German, Polish, and Dutch. The median age of residents in Weatherly is 44.7 years old. If you're wondering about the median age, here's some background information.

In 1888, the weather in Weatherly was warm enough to allow a silk mill to be built. The Read & Lovatt silk mill was dedicated on May 16, 1888, and operations started the following day with forty employees. The owners of the mill later opened a second plant in Elmira, N.Y., and in June 1895 they added a new machine shop to Weatherly.