Wattsburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Wattburg City? The population of Wattsburg, VT is composed of approximately 97 percent white people. Another 0.4% are black or Hispanic. The median household income in Wattsburg is $54,292, while the average household income is $61,223. People in Wattsburg are educated, with 81% of residents graduating high school. However, only 41% of people in Wattsburg are employed in a white or blue collar job.

The area around Wattsburg is 0.31 square miles (0.8 square km), with only a small portion of the area covered by water. The city lies near the intersection of French Creek and West Branch. It is part of the Allegheny River watershed. The population density in Wattsburg is about 270 residents per square mile. The median home value in Wattsburg is $10,750. However, the median home value in Erie County is $14,500. This figure may be conservative, since most homes in the Wattsburg area are more than fifty years old.

In terms of per capita income, Wattsburg is lower middle-income compared to other parts of the US. This equates to an annual income of $85,936 for a family of four. The majority of residents in Wattsburg are White, with a minority of Hispanics. Moreover, English is the most common language spoken in Wattsburg. A small number of residents are also fluent in Spanish and Polish.