Warrendale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Warrendale City, Michigan, are not very clear. There are a few neighborhoods that are considered to be more diverse than others, and some of them are more diverse than others. You can check out the diversity of a city by visiting its diversity page. There are several ways to check the diversity of a city, including using racial maps. The map below shows the number of people of different races in Warrendale.

The demographics of Warrendale City, Michigan, indicate that the residents are friendly and live in neighborly neighborhoods. In addition to 80% owner-occupied homes, there are only 2.7 residents per household. Although quality of life is relative to each person, some people prefer walking or biking everywhere and enjoy quiet, peaceful streets. Others don't like the dependency on their car to get anywhere they need to go.

The population of Warrendale is composed mostly of small and medium-sized homes. Most of them are owner-occupied, with a large percentage of residences built between 1940 and 1969. A few homes are older, dating back to the 1800s. Vacancy rate in Warrendale is 0.4%, lower than the national average of 93.7%. That means there is very low housing inventory in the city.

Using census data from the 2010 Census, we can get an idea of what age group lives in the city. A person living in Warrendale City has the same median age as someone in another city. The median age of a person in Warrendale is 34.2 years, and the median age of a female is 36 years. The city has a high percentage of single people, so the age group breakdown of residents is very interesting.