Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to a new town in Pennsylvania, you may want to learn more about the population and steets in Warfordsburg. The city has a population of 2,628 residents, of which 694 are under 20 years of age. The remainder of the population is composed of those who are 18 years of age and older, and there are a variety of housing types to choose from.

Assault crime rates in Warfordsburg City may seem inflated, however, this may simply be because east Warfordsburg is home to more retail establishments. While red areas do indicate danger for Warfordsburg residents, the actual numbers might be quite different. A simple crime count will show that the southeast and west parts of the city have higher rates of assault crimes than the northwest and east. The southeast area is safer, but north Warfordsburg residents are at risk of theft and assault.

The population of ZIP code 17267 is primarily white, with a small percentage of African American and Hispanic individuals. The population also includes a small number of single parents. The percentage of households that are families is higher than the average. There are a few correctional facilities near the city, but the majority are still quite low. And the area is home to two elementary schools and one high school.