Walnut Bottom, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You're looking for the population and steets of Walnut Bottom City. The city has a total population of 24,000, which is a great number if you're planning to live there for a long time. In case you're not sure of the area, you can look up the cities near Walnut Bottom, PA. There are many other small towns near Walnut Bottom, PA, so you might want to use that list to plan your journey.

The majority race map shows the number of people who self-identified as white or black. The darker the color, the larger the racial majority. There are also data for the diversity score of Walnut Bottom. Here, you can see what percentage of people are white or black, and how many of each race are represented in each demographic group. This map shows the demographic breakdown of Walnut Bottom, PA.

The median age of residents is 38. There are 280 males and 290 females in Walnut Bottom. Sixty-seven percent of the population is under the age of 20, and only one percent is over the age of 20. The city has a diverse population, and you can find moving companies in Walnut Bottom, PA to help you move in and out of the city. You can even move internationally from Walnut Bottom, PA, with the assistance of one of their relocation companies.