Villanova, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following are some statistics for the Population & Steets in Villanov City, Pennsylvania. Villanova City has an average population density of 1,565 people per square mile. The majority of the population is White, with a minority of 0.80% from another race or ethnicity. There are also a small number of people who are Asian or Latino of any race. This is because there are more students in the city than in the surrounding suburbs.

The median household income in Villanova is $216,000, making it one of the wealthiest communities in the United States. This is more than three times higher than the median household income for the Philadelphia area. As of 2009, the eastern portion of the city was the 39th wealthiest neighborhood in the nation. Those with higher incomes often pay higher utility bills. There is a small minority of low-income families in the city, however.

There are 982 people who commute to work in Villanova, and they average 6.6 miles per day. Another 745 people commute by bus or walking, while seventy-two residents travel by subway or elevated train. There are three subway stations located in Villanova. And for those of you who don't like to drive, there are also buses that stop in Villanova. If you're looking for public transportation, there are three SEPTA BUS stops in the city. There are also six level-two charging stations.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 8,861 people living in Villanova. The population of Villanova has declined by one percent since the year 2000. Regardless of the source of these statistics, Villanova residents are generally happy. The City is divided into north and south sides. In the north, Lower Merion Township features larger homes and mature landscaping, winding streets, and several large estates.