Van Voorhis, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Using the data provided in the table below, you can determine the majority race in Van Voorhis City, New Jersey. The data reflects self-identified race, with darker colors representing racial majorities. Non-citizens are also included, including legal permanent residents, international students, temporary workers, and humanitarian migrants. Also included are illegal immigrants. Listed below are the median household incomes in Van Voorhis.

The Van Voorhis Manor neighborhood consists primarily of small apartment buildings and townhomes. Nearly all of the homes are renter-occupied, with a high percentage built between 2000 and 1999. As a result, there is very low vacancy in the real estate market, which may indicate price increases in the near future. The Van Voorhis Manor area has a low unemployment rate of 6.1%.

Crime rates in Van Voorhis are lower than the national average. Only two crimes occur per 1,000 people per year. This means Van Voorhis is less dangerous than cities that have comparable overall populations. However, crime rates may appear higher if residents live near parks and recreational areas. This is not a reliable indicator of safety in Van Voorhis. The crime rate map also includes areas that have lower crime rates than the city's average.