Unityville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of Population & Steets in Unityvill City shows the percentage of residents that are of a certain race. In Unityville, PA, the majority of residents are white. The majority of African Americans and Hispanics are also represented. Unityville also ranks highly for diversity, with more minority residents than any other community in the United States. Population & Steets in Unityville City are included on the next page.

The city has a total of 1,142 residents, with about a third of them under the age of 20. The rest of the population is either over twenty-one or over eighteen-five. The city's population breakdown is more or less even, with approximately 167 males and 152 females in the 20-to-34 age bracket. There are approximately 165 families in the city, but there are also many single-family attached households. The remaining households are nonfamily, with an average of two to 50 units.

The median real estate in Lairdsville / Unityville consists of medium and small-sized houses. The majority of these homes are owner-occupied. The average home in this area is built between 1970 and 1999, with some homes dating back to the early 1940s. There are also many vacation homes and other properties in Unityville. For those who are considering living here, consider the real estate market.