Trexlertown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is the population and steets of the city of Trexlertown, Pennsylvania. Use these numbers to plan a road trip, or check out the local area before you travel. You can also search for cities that are within a hundred miles of Trexlertown, PA. You'll find that Trexlertown is in a pleasant area in the summer.

The population and steets of Trexlertown, Pennsylvania, is 716. There are 186 households in this city, and the median home value is $298,958. The median household size is two people, and the city's population is projected to increase by 9.5% over the next year. The community is overwhelmingly white, with 68.9% of residents being white. Only one person in every six residents is black.

The average person in Trexlertown has a bachelor's degree or higher, and is considered a middle-class American. The median income is $33,400 per year, with more than a third of the population residing in a middle-class household. There are 13 apartments in Trexlertown. Choosing a neighborhood is the first step in the apartment search process. From there, consider the location of your new apartment - is it close to work or school?

The median family and household income in Trexlertown City was $37,356 in 2017. The median income per person in Trexlertown City was $32,016, and the median age was 34. The median age was thirty-four years old, with a population of 15.1% over 65. The median age was 34. The majority of the residents were male, with 87.7 males for every hundred females.