Trappe, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Trapp City? The following information will help you understand where you live and the quality of life you can expect. The statistics for Trappe City are slightly better than the national average. You can also view a crime map to see how much crime is being committed in Trappe City. However, these statistics do not always represent actual danger for residents of Trappe.

The population of Trappe City is about 1,146 according to the 2000 Census. The area code is 410, and the telephone exchange is 476. The zip code is 21673. Notable residents include Founding Father John Dickinson, Baseball Hall of Famer Frank "Home Run" Baker, and President John Eisenhower. If you are considering moving to Trappe, you can use the information provided above to find out the most important statistics about the city.

The percentage of married couples in Trappe City varies. The highest percent is found in Collegeville with a husband and wife. Trappe has a slightly smaller percent, but still has a higher proportion of married-couple households than Skippack. However, Trappe's percentage of single adults is higher than the national average, with 75% of households headed by married couples. So, if you want to find out how many single women and men live alone, you can compare Trappe to nearby towns and cities.

In addition to a national average, Trappe's demographics show that the population is largely European. It ranks second in the world for the largest percentage of citizens of European descent. On the other hand, it has a relatively low percentage of citizens of Asian descent. Overall, there are more foreign-born residents in Trappe than in any other town in the area. But the percentage of foreign-born residents is lower than the national average.