Townville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Census results for Townsville City reveal a diverse population. The city is home to fifty-nine percent males and fifty-one percent females. The median age is thirty-three years, and twenty-one percent of the population is under five years of age. One-parent households make up eleven percent of the total population, and twenty-four percent of single parents are men. Most of these households are headed by a married person, with forty-four percent of the population married. The rest are either unmarried or working from home. A few of the more interesting statistics about this city include a look at the number of people employed in the area, such as the percentage of people living in a single-family dwelling, and how many people are single, married, or have children.

Approximately sixty-seven percent of the population in Townsville City is Australian. The remainder was born in other countries, including Germany, England, and New Zealand. The other leading countries of birth were Papua New Guinea, the United States, and Korea, Republic of (South).

Townsville City Council was recently awarded a government manager award for its water alliance with Queensland Police. The water alliance project helped Townsville tackle an issue that is affecting the town's beaches: illegal vehicles. These vehicles are a danger to the safety of local residents and damage to natural areas. Townsville City Council has worked closely with police law enforcement to prevent illegal vehicles on the city's beaches. Moreover, the council has partnered with police officers throughout the year to curb the issue, which is a major concern.