Timblin, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Timbla City, Pennsylvania are quite interesting to explore. If you are planning to move to this small town, you should know its population and steets before you start your journey. Here is a list of some towns near Timblin, PA. You can find out about these cities and book your flights from one of them to another. The following cities are also close to Timblin.

The population of Timblin is composed of 193 White (non-Hispanic) residents and 0 Black or African American residents. There are 0% of hispanic residents in Timblin. The median home price in this town is $41,900 and its appreciation in the last 10 years has been 5.4%. If you plan to move to Timblin, you should know that the median home price in the city is $41,900.

The primary zip code of Timblin is 15778. This is located in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. For more information, you can check the map and find out where this zip code is located. The population of this city is approximately 140. In addition to homes, apartments, and townhouses are also available for rent. These prices include all of the main residences and secondary dwellings. You can use the map to find the zip code for Timblin.