Thompsontown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population and steets in Thompsontown City look like, read on. You'll discover the latest statistics, demographics, and more. In the meantime, you can learn about the different types of living conditions in the city. In the city of Thompsontown, Pennsylvania, the median property value was $128,100 in 2019. This is 0.733 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate in this city is 46.5%, lower than the national average. There are two cars per household in Thompsontown, PA, the same as the national average.

The most common race or ethnicity living below the poverty line is White. Other races or ethnicities are also represented. While the majority of Thompsontown residents work in the service industry, some work in the manufacturing, health care, or construction industries. While some people work in different sectors, most of them fall under one of the following categories: production, management, and healthcare support occupations. The following chart summarizes these data by profession.

In addition to population numbers, the census also provides the number of renter-occupied housing units in the city. According to ESRI demographic data, this city has 164 renter-occupied housing units. Compared to Pennsylvania, this city has fewer single-women than Trevorton, Mifflintown, or East Salem. This means that there is a lack of affordability in the city.