Tatamy, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a good overview of the Tatamy, Pennsylvania population, you should first look at its housing statistics. The population of Tatamy is around 992 people. In terms of income, the median household income is $70568. According to the 2010 census, 17.1% of Tatamy residents are renters. That makes it one of the least renter-friendly cities in Pennsylvania. Regardless of whether you live in a Tatamy apartment, townhouse, or even room, the census data can help you make the best choice for your family.

This city is situated in eastern central Pennsylvania, about 20 miles west of the New Jersey state line. It is a mid-sized city complex. The weather is mild most months of the year. The least comfortable months are January, June, and August. However, if you have the time, you can explore the area at your own pace. The population of Tatamy is mainly composed of white people.

Crime in Tatamy City is relatively low. In fact, crime is rare in this city, and it occurs less than three times per year. However, crime does occur everywhere, including at parks and major airports. This is why crime rates are often higher in these locations. However, these statistics do not reflect the actual crime rate. It is important to note that these statistics are only estimates and should not be used as a guide.