Tafton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The ZIP Code for Tafton City is 18464. The ZIP Code has five digits, the first four of which designate the street, and the last four are the name of the default name as defined by the US Postal Service. This five digit code is also called a ZIP+4 code, as it allows you to find a more detailed location. To find a specific address, enter the ZIP+4 code and use the map to find it.

The map of Tafton shows the percentage of each race that lives there. This percentage is based on self-identification, so a darker shade indicates a larger racial majority. The diversity score is also included in the map, with green areas showing a higher diversity score than red. Diversity means that a mixture of races lives in close proximity to one another. However, if the racial composition of your neighborhood is not listed, you might want to consider living elsewhere.

The violent crime rate in Tafton City is based on the number of incidents reported per thousand residents. The map also shows the type of crimes and the severity of each crime. While this may seem counterintuitive, the map shows that Tafton has a lower violent crime rate than most surrounding cities. Overall, Tafton is in the 79th percentile of safe cities, and its violent crime rate is 1.47 per 1,000 residents. The safest part of the city is located in the southeast corner.