Swarthmore, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Swarthmore City? This article will provide you with the latest data on Swarthmore City, PA. The median household income is $111,905. About 15% of the population work in the healthcare field and 41% in professional occupations. About 26% of the population earns more than $75,000 per year. Swarthmore has a high percentage of single-family homes, and approximately 40% were built before 1950. The architecture of Swarthmore reflects the traditional stone structures of Philadelphia. While construction has moved out of Center City, the area still has a high concentration of older houses.

This area of Pennsylvania is home to a diverse population. About 9.8% of the population is foreign-born. The city is smaller than most other communities in the area, and has a lower rate of homicides than the rest of Pennsylvania. Population growth in Swarthmore is below the state average. If you are considering moving to this area, make sure to check out the population map below.

The percentage of married couples living in Swarthmore is quite high. Eighty-six percent of residents are married. This ranks Swarthmore city number one in the metro area for married couples. Its average family size is 3.1, which is higher than most other areas. A majority of residents are employed in some form of business, and the city's number of unemployed individuals is higher than its average rate.