Starrucca, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Starrusca City? The population of this city is 165 people and the average commute time is 29 minutes. There are several schools in the area, and there is a high percentage of college-educated residents. Many people live in single-family homes with outdoor spaces and backyards for their children. Overall, there is a low crime rate in this city.

The Viaduct is a stunning sight, standing high above the picturesque Starrucca Valley. It is so impressive that trains often pause to admire it. The President's party even left their car for a few minutes to admire it. The Starrucca Viaduct was the focal point of a beautiful landscape scene. Once finished, the viaduct is a tourist destination for people from all over the world.

The Susquehanna Railroad Station was built in 1865, and included a hotel, called the Starrucca House. The area, originally called the Drinker Tract, was acquired by Henry Drinker in 1794. The area was home to few large settlements during the first half of the nineteenth century. However, several large farms were located here. Originally, the area was a part of Luzerne County.

The Susquehanna River, which flows through Starrucca City, has a history of change. As the Erie Railroad grew, the town grew and became an important railroad junction. But as standardization took hold, the town lost its importance. In 1846, the Pennsylvania legislature granted the railroad the right-of-way for two crossings, the second and last one being the Starrucca Viaduct.