Springville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many different things to do in Springville City. You can check out the Art Museum, which is located in an old building at 200 South and Main Street. If you're interested in history, you should visit the Springville Museum of Art, which features artwork by local and internationally recognized artists. You can also participate in the Junior Art Guild or attend the Sunday Concert Series. You'll also find other things to do in Springville, such as attending the local Farmers' Market.

Despite being small, the city's population has been steadily growing for the past decade. It is projected that the population will reach more than 50,000 within the next decade. The I-15 corridor is also expected to grow and attract more people to the city. The economic growth in Springville, and nearby communities, has led to a variety of development projects. Listed below are some of the best things to do in Springville.

The Population & Steets in Springvile