Springtown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Springton City, Texas are available on the state's official website. This information is useful for planning your trip to this town. The population is around 12.8%. Below is a list of the most important points to know about the City. This population is divided into two areas, City Center and East City. Both of these areas have a diverse mix of residents.

The City Center is mainly made up of small and medium-sized houses. Most of these residences are owner-occupied. In Springtown, Texas, the median age is 35.2. The average age of its residents is higher than the national average of 34.4. Foreign-born residents in Springtown are mostly from Mexico, India, El Salvador, and the United States. However, the area's high number of resident families makes it a popular location for those looking to start a family.

The percentage of people who are married in Springtown is the highest in the state. It is also the most married in the county, with the smallest percentage of divorced individuals. As for the number of households, the average household size is 3.6. For more information about the community's residents, visit the city's official website. The demographics and statistics on Springtown are presented below. So, if you are looking for an affordable place to live, take a look at Springtown City. You'll be pleased with your choice.

The Population & Steets in Springton City, Texas are easy to use. The city is home to over 2,700 people, with nearly 50% being White. There are also 102 White residents, as well as 67 Two+ people. Springtown is home to 5.7% Hispanic people. A quick look at the city's demographic data will help you plan your trip. And, you'll learn the most interesting facts about the community when you plan to visit.