Southwest, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking about moving to Southwest City, you might be wondering, "How safe is Southwest City?" There are a few good reasons to move to this Missouri town, but first, let's look at the crime rate. Southwest City's crime rate is a lot lower than the rest of Missouri and the country. The map below shows crime by day and by area. Crime rates are lowest in the central area, with the exception of the northeast. The map shows that crimes are most prevalent in retail areas and in blocks with very few residents.

While Southwest City is considered a small town, it has a population of nine hundred and thirty-seven people. The population density is lower in areas where most people congregate, such as parks and major airports. A city with a low population density may seem to have higher crime rates than it does. That's because crime tends to occur where people congregate. Fortunately, this is not always the case.