Smoketown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered how the people of Smoketown City live, you've come to the right place. Here's a quick look at the population and steets of this Mississippi city. Smoketown had a population of around 15,000 people in the late 19th century, but in 2000 it's down to a mere 2,116 people. That's a drastic decline compared to the more populous Gordonville and Kirkwood.

The name Smoketown comes from the numerous kilns in the area during the brick-making days. The city's 1865 extension of Preston Street to Kentucky spurred the growth of the neighborhood. The streets of Smoketown were narrow and full of shotgun houses. By 1880, the population was over 15,000 people. African-American property ownership was not very common, however.

The US Census estimates that there are 18 households in Smoketown, PA, which includes both families and single individuals. The average household size is two persons, and the median income is $110,250 per year. The city is home to many low-income families, but the rates are disproportionately high for Blacks. While these numbers are low, it does not mean that Smoketown residents aren't suffering.

A number of nonprofits in Smoketown City are benefitting from a gift from the Community Foundation of Louisville. The donation of the land at Preston and Finzer streets to the nonprofit Smoketown City Association is a significant gesture. The land is worth almost $1 million and will go to two nonprofits. The donations will go toward improving the neighborhood's educational infrastructure. It will serve as a valuable space for the nonprofit community and residents.