Smokerun, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population % - The number of people per square kilometer in Smokerun City. In Smokerun, there are a total of 183 people per square kilometer. This number includes 86 males and 97 females. The median age for the males and females in Smokerun City is 45.3 and 52.8 respectively. There are around 819 births and 909 deaths yearly. The number of people by race is not available, but the percentage of each group varies year-to-year.

The list below contains the centers of the cities and towns near Smoke Run, PA. These cities and towns are useful if you're planning a road trip or flying to Smoke Run. You can also see how far other cities are from Smokerun City to help you choose your flight. This can help you find a flight that suits your needs and budget. If you don't want to fly to Smoke Run, you can also check out the towns and cities within 100 miles of the city.