Shippenville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Shippville City? Here are some statistics that will help you determine the area's population and demographics. The city is about one tenth the size of Pennsylvania. The following statistics are for the City of Shippenville, Pennsylvania. Its median age was 40.9 years. In 2019, the median age of native-born residents was 41 years, and for foreign-born residents it was 18 years.

The overall population of Shippenville was fairly diverse. The median age of the residents was 43 years old, and there were a few children. There were fewer families than in many other cities in Pennsylvania. The median age was forty years old, and the gender ratio was a solid 50:50. While the city is not considered racially diverse, it is generally considered safe. The city is not located near a major airport, which means crime rates are low.

According to the United States Census Bureau, there were 583 residents in Shippenville in 2019. This number is down from five hundred twenty five in 1980. Its median household income was $43,438 and the borough's percent of residents who speak a non-English language at home was 1.67%. There are a few neighborhoods in Shippenville, but overall, it's a safe place to live.

Compared to other cities in the same state, the cost of living in Shippenville is lower than the national average. However, some areas are more expensive than others on the state and federal level. However, the overall costs of housing, utilities, and miscellaneous goods are significantly lower than average. So, if you're looking for a new home in Shippenville City, this is a good place to consider moving to.