Sellersville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets of Sellersville City, Pennsylvania, then you have come to the right place. We've provided the most comprehensive data on Sellersville, PA so you can make an informed decision on your move. Sellersville is a small city, so most residents are homeowners. However, it has many amenities for you to enjoy, including gas stations, retail stores, and an old-fashioned town square. In addition, Sellersville is home to several medical facilities, including a hospital. The telephone numbers for all these places are listed below, as well as their addresses and phone numbers.

The Sellersville Branch of National Penn Bank was established in 1897. Its headquarters are in Boyertown, PA, and its holding company, National Penn Bancshares, Inc., has eight other airmen and 22 pilots. There are 129 patent applications pending in this area from 2008-2022. The town is a part of Pennridge School District. The sellersville Post Office and the Sellersville Train Station are located in Sellersville.

The median age of the population of Sellersville, PA is 37.4 years old, and this figure includes native-born citizens. Foreign-born residents make up about 3% of the population, while those who were born elsewhere made up the remaining 0.8%. The median age of Sellersville, PA residents is rising, but they are still older than the average American. The majority of foreign-born residents come from India, followed by China and the Dominican Republic.