Robesonia, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wanted to know more about the population and steets in Robesonia City, PA, you're in luck. This article will give you all the information you need to make a decision on this beautiful city. In addition to the facts you've been wondering about, we'll also tell you about some of the fun things to do in Robesonia.

Violent crime rates in Robesonia City vary widely. For example, a person may face one violent crime every 3.7 years in the central part of the city, while only a single violent crime takes place in the northeast section. It's difficult to compare these numbers, but we can use the map of Robesonia to estimate the violent crime rate for each neighborhood. While the violent crime rate in Robesonia is higher in areas with many retail establishments, it's generally lower in western neighborhoods.

The racial makeup of the city in Robesonia can be a surprise to many people. According to the United States Census Bureau, the area has a population of approximately 2,062 people. This is down from 3,266 in 2010; however, it is still a high number compared to other areas of Pennsylvania. The area is considered diverse because it has a mixture of races and ethnicities living together.

The ZIP code of Robesonia City, PA was designated in 1970. This city is also referred to by its default name, which was assigned by the USPS. There is no official name for Robesonia, but residents use it. The city's population is estimated to reach 4,560 people by 2020, which is quite impressive. Robesonia is located about 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia, so it's easy to see why the city is considered a small one.