Ridley Park, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and Steets in Ridley Park, PA include White residents. Hispanic residents make up the remainder. The median age of residents in Ridley Park, PA is 41.6 years. The population is highly diverse, with many foreign-born residents. For example, in 2016, there were 4 evictions in Ridley Park. In 2017, the median age was 41.6.

The Population & Steets in RiDley Park, PA are listed below. The top three methods of transportation for residents in Ridley Park include car, subway or elevated, and walking. Nearly three-quarters of the population commutes by car, while 136 commute by subway or elevated. Approximately 65 residents choose to walk to work. Ridley Park's proximity to Philadelphia and other major cities makes it convenient for residents to travel by public transportation.

The population and steets of Ridley Park City, PA, was 7.05k as of 2019. This includes a median age of 41.6 years old and an income of $83,802 (up from $76,967). The city is home to five ethnic groups, with the majority of residents belonging to White (Non-Hispanic) and Hispanic. The city also has a small proportion of Asians, with 1.72% of the population. The language spoken at home by residents is English.

The median household income of residents of Ridley Park, PA is $83,802. This is slightly more than the $65,712 average in the rest of the United States. However, it is still a good thing that males are higher than females in Ridley Park. In fact, their income is 8.88% higher than their female counterparts, which is about right for a small city.