Reinholds, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the population and steets of Reinholds City, PA? Do you want to know what's the best place to live in Reinholds? Here are some details. Also, you can find the average age in Reinholds. This city's median age is 32.8, which is lower than the national average of 37.9. About 9.70% of the civilian population is over the age of 65, whereas 15.2% of the U.S. population is over 65.

There are two airports in the vicinity of Reinholds. If you want to travel to a big city, you can search for flights that land at a nearby airport. If you're looking for a smaller airport, you can search for flights to cities 4 hours away or closer. There are some large airports that are close to Reinholds. Moreover, there are several smaller airports within 38 miles.

The crime rate in Reinholds is 8.11 per 1,000 residents during the standard year. The central part of the city is the safest, while the eastern neighborhoods are the most dangerous. In comparison, a resident of Reinholds has a chance of becoming a victim of a crime of 1 in 93 in the city's east neighborhoods. However, the ratio of occurrence of crimes in Reinholds is not as straightforward as it may seem. A simple map that shows how many crimes are committed in Reinholds gives a much better idea of crime in the city. A crime map reveals the most dangerous and safest neighborhoods in Reinholds, PA, and shows how they compare to other cities.