Refton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Refton has an age profile that is slightly younger than the rest of the United States. The median age is 33.7 years, 4.2 years younger than the average for all U.S. cities. A small percentage of the population is 65 years and older, with less than one percent of the population 65 years or older. This trend can be indicative of a declining economy. To see Refton's median age, look at the following table:

The population of Refton was 927 in the most recent New Zealand census, down 129 from the previous year and 54 percent from the 2006 census. There were 447 households in the city, with a ratio of one male to four females. A small number of residents identified as being from overseas, with 11.3% identifying as an immigrant. Among the non-citizens, thirty-one percent were Christian, whereas twenty-three percent were of another religious background.

The population density of Refton City fluctuates over time, with the county-wide average of 2.2 dwelling units per acre (Urban Growth Areas) and 2.5 dwelling units per acre in Village Growth Areas. The population density in Refton City has remained relatively steady over the past few decades, but fluctuation in the population has resulted in a higher than average number of single-family dwelling units.