Reamstown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand the demographics of Reamstown City, Pennsylvania. Compared to other U.S. cities, Reamstown has a lower poverty rate than the national average. In fact, only 12.8% of residents live below the poverty line. This is a good sign for a town with a small population. However, you should always consider your qualifications before making a decision.

Reamstown is located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Its population is estimated to reach 3,142 by 2020, a decrease of 6.52% from the 2010 census. The average household income is $89,931 per year, and the poverty rate is 4.71%. The median house value is $182300, and median rental costs are $859 per month. The median age for residents in Reamstown is 42.3 years for males and 43 years for females.

Reamstown has a lower crime rate than many Suburban communities. However, nearly half of Reamstown's residents are concerned about safety. Reamstown also scores highly on national and statewide surveys regarding public safety. Education in Reamstown is also above average, with student reviews indicating higher than average graduation rates and enrollment rates. If you're considering relocating to Reamstown, Pennsylvania, consider these factors before making your decision.

The overall livability score of Reamstown is above average. Its livability rating is made up of a weighted combination of city data points. This rating factors in cost of living, education, crime, and overall happiness of residents. This data is compiled through advanced statistical models. It's a good indicator of a neighborhood's potential for growth. And if the city is growing rapidly, this means that Reamstown is a promising place for new residents to live.