Quarryville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering how many people live in Quarryville City. In this article, we'll discuss the population and steets of this Pennsylvania city. The data below can help you better understand the community. In addition to this, we'll talk about the various reasons for living in Quarryville. In addition, you'll also learn how to find the best places to live in Quarryville.

The statistics below show how many people live in poverty in Quarryville City. The city is #1 in Pennsylvania for the percentage of college graduates living in poverty, and it ranks #2 for high school graduates living in poverty. The city has an estimated 0.97% unemployment rate. In addition, Quarryville has a low crime rate - it is below average for other Pennsylvania cities. In terms of income, Quarryville is more expensive than the average Pennsylvania city.

The median property value in Quarryville, PA is $200,200, which is 0.832 times smaller than the national average. The number of households owning cars is two. Quarryville is home to about 2.75k people. The median household size is two cars. 95.6% of residents are U.S. citizens, while 5.93% of residents were born abroad. The city is one of the lowest-income places in the U.S.

Quarryville is the principal town of Lancaster County. It covers approximately 180 square miles of school district. Quarryville is the hometown of John Chase, the former owner of Newswanger Furniture. The community offers a variety of activities. In 1985, the high school was destroyed in a fire. As a result, about 1,600 residents were displaced. Today, Quarryville has a strong, independent community.