Primos, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the Population & Steets in Primonos City, you're in the right place! This article will provide you with vital statistics on the population of Primos and provide insight into the local real estate market. Primos has a high concentration of single-family homes, apartment complexes, and small apartment buildings. Primos residents are a diverse mix of renters and home owners, with many homes built between 1940 and 1969. The vacancy rate in Primos is low compared to other U.S. neighborhoods, with only 3.1% of homes vacant.

There are many languages spoken in Primos. The most commonly spoken language is English, which is spoken in 77.8% of households. Other important languages include African languages and the languages of India. However, the locals are generally not racially segregated, and many speak both English and African languages. If you are looking for the neighborhood's ethnic makeup, Primos is the perfect place to find out more about the residents of your local neighborhood!