Plumsteadville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Census Bureau provides information about the population of Plumsteadville City, New York. This is a census-designated place (CDP), which means that its population is a combination of people who live in the city and people who are not residents. The total population of Plumsteadville is 58,859, which is higher than the national average. In terms of race, the population of Plumsteadville is mainly composed of white people. The non-citizen population is comprised of international students, temporary workers, humanitarian immigrants, and illegal immigrants.

The city has a relatively low percentage of single-parent households, with a married population of 84%. That's lower than the national average of 50%, but still a relatively large number. However, the area is dominated by older people, with a higher percentage of singles than younger residents. Plumstead's population is made up of about half single-parent families. This ratio is lower than that of most other Pennsylvania cities.

People in Plumsteadville, PA typically commute by vehicle. However, the average time it takes to get to work is less than half an hour. That means that employees must travel over 45 minutes to get to work. Bad traffic is one reason for the long commute. Some residents are located far from their workplace. This means that they must travel for longer than they need to. These commutes may even include a stopover.