Picture Rocks, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most recent population figures for Picture Rocks, AZ were gathered from the 2019 American Community Survey. This population estimate includes both native and foreign-born residents. The median age for residents in Picture Rocks was 44.6 years old in 2019. The median household income in this city was $55,231. The majority of residents were White, followed by Hispanics and Other people. These data are based on surveys and are not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.

The most common employment sectors in Picture Rocks are health care & social assistance, construction, and retail trade. Depending on the employment sector, some people may work in other locations. In both cases, census data is tagged to a residential address. Donald J. Trump received 49.1% of the vote. Jo Jorgensen received 1.52% of the vote. The median household income in Picture Rocks, AZ increased by 4.57% each year.