Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Perkville City? Here are some basic details. You can learn where the population of Perkiomenville City is located by viewing the city's map. The Perkiomenville City, Pennsylvania population is approximately 2,200 people. This city is part of the Fourth Congressional District in Pennsylvania and the 147th Representative District.

Perkiomenville has a low violent crime rate of 1.61 per 1,000 residents. The city's west and southwest neighborhoods are considered the safest neighborhoods. Those living in the west and southwest parts of Perkiomenville have a one in three38 chance of experiencing a violent crime. These statistics may not be intuitive, but they are indicative of the level of safety in the city.