Penllyn, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Penllyn City is composed of a mix of ethnicities and races. Most residents identify as Irish, German, English, and other European ethnicities. There is also a sizeable Korean population. Overall, the population of Penllyn City is smaller than the national average. In terms of racial makeup, Penllyn City is made up of people who come from several different countries, including Britain, Japan, and the U.S., as well as those from Africa.

Most Penllyn residents are white, while the minority population is black or Hispanic. About 84 percent of residents have college degrees, while 9% are working in blue-collar jobs. The remaining 15 percent are in service-oriented jobs. The median household income in Penllyn City is $135,641.

The Penllyn/Town Center neighborhood is considered one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the nation. The neighborhood has the lowest child poverty rate among all neighborhoods in the U.S., making it unique among all American neighborhoods. Moreover, the Penllyn neighborhood is home to more people with Italian ancestry than any other area. About 19.4% of the population in Penllyn City has Italian ancestry.

The ZIP code for Penllyn, PA is 19422. There are approximately 18,485 residents in the area. There are 7,244 households. The average household size is 2.56 people. The median home value is $406,200. Penllyn's population is expected to increase by 1.0%. The population of Penllyn, PA, is estimated to grow by 1.0% between 2016 and 2022.