Palm, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for demographic data for Palm City, FL, you will find that there are a number of interesting facts and figures about the area. These facts are based on the United States Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey, and they are updated yearly. Although these statistics are accurate as of 2019, they cannot be guaranteed. The following information is based on the racial makeup of Palm City.

The Population & Steets in Palm County: This unincorporated town is part of Martin County and governed by the Board of County Commissioners. The county is made up of 5 districts, and Palm City is part of District 5. The Martin County Sheriff's Office oversees police security in the area. Palm City's population has higher education levels than the surrounding cities. There are three public schools in the city, and 93% of residents have completed at least 8th grade. In addition, 43% of residents have earned a bachelor's degree.

Palm City has a thriving commercial sector, but its population is still under 40 percent. The growth of Palm City is projected to increase to 40,000 people by 2015. Its commercial development is expected to reach a total area of over 450,000 s.f. and is also the largest in Palm City. A number of small businesses operate in the city, so the local economy will continue to flourish. The old Palm City neighborhood is the most desirable location for business in the city, with plenty of retail and civic space. It also has an abundance of parks and the St. Lucie River, making it a desirable location for both residents and tourists.