Oley, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered what the population of Oley City looks like, you're not alone. A map of Oley's crime rate can tell you a lot about the community. Crime rates are calculated based on statistics provided by local law enforcement and demographic data. You can also view Oley's crime heat map, which shows the total number of crimes in the city on a block group level.

The Oley Churches in Spangsville mark the site of the town's first log meeting house, built by Johannes Lasher in 1797. The Union Church served two congregations until 1821-22, when the Lutheran and Reformed churches built separate buildings. Spangsville also houses the town's oldest and largest cemeteries. In addition, the Oley Historical Society has a website devoted to the town's history.

The population and steets in Oley City indicate the neighborhood is a good place to live if you like your neighbors. The average household size in Oley City is 2.3 members, and 76% of the homes are owned by their owners. However, it is important to check the quality of neighborhood amenities before making a decision to move to Oley City. You can also visit the different school districts to see what the schools are like.

Oley City was incorporated in 1881. Its population was 33.8 percent in 1879. In addition, there were 7.5% of single women who lived in the township. And twenty-seven percent of households were non-families. One-fifth of the township was composed of single individuals, and 14.2% of the population was 65 years of age and older. The median age was 39 years, and there were 97 females for every 100 males.