Oil City, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Oil County, PA? If so, you've come to the right place. Below are the latest statistics about this area. The population and steets are tagged to residential addresses. You can also learn about the employment outlook and other demographics of Oil City. Use these data to make informed decisions about your future. You may find them useful when moving, conducting research for a new job, or just exploring the area.

The population of Oil City, Pennsylvania, is 58,027. The city is located in the Allegheny River valley, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. There are several historic districts in Oil City. One of these is the Oil City Armory, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Located in Northwestern Pennsylvania, Oil City is home to a number of historical buildings and sites.

The first settlement in Oil County was the Seneca Nation of Indians, who were given land by Pennsylvania in the early 17th century. The city's population declined following the closure of the blast furnace in the 1850s. It wasn't until Colonel Edwin L. Drake drilled the city's first commercial oil well in 1859 that the community was officially established. In 1868, Oil City was incorporated as a borough. In 1871, it was given city status.

The city was once mostly deserted. However, as the petroleum industry began to flourish, the city soon grew in size. The Bannons and Halydays began renting rooms in their homes to rafters and bargemen. The Thomas Moran House became a local landmark and two more inns soon followed. Dr. John Nevins' clinic was located in the town and later sold it to a physician. In 1861, the city was the site of the first saloon in Pennsylvania. In 1857, the Graff Hasson & Company purchased 1,000 acres of the area.